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의학적 근거를 기반으로 환자의 아픔을 세심하게 들여다보고 최선의 방법을 찾아 함께 극복해 가고자 합니다.
앞으로도 환자 중심의 치료와 연구를 통해 지속적인 발전을 추구하는 밝은내일이 되겠습니다.
1. Park J, Chung ME. Botulinum Toxin for Central Neuropathic Pain. Toxins (Basel). 2018 Jun 1;10(6). pii: E224. doi: 10.3390/toxins.10060224.
2. Kim KT, Kim YK, Yoon JR, Ko Y, Chung ME. Reference Value for Infrapatellar Branch of Saphenous Nerve Conduction Study: Cadaveric and
Clinical Study. Ann Rehabil Med. 2018 Apr 42(2): 321-328. doi: 10.5535/arm.2018.42.2.321.
3. So JI, Song DH, Park JH, Choi E, Yoon JY, Yoo Y, Chung ME. Accuracy of Ultrasound-Guided and Non-ultrasound Guided Botulinum Toxin
Injection into Cadaver Salivary Gland. Ann Rehabil Med 2017 Feb 41(1): 51-57. Doi: 10.5535/arm.2017.41.1.51.
4. Kim K, Kim HG, Song DH, Yoon JY, Chung ME. Ultrasound Dimensions of the Rotator Cuff and Other Associated Structures in Korean
Healthy Adults. J Korean Med Sci. 2016 Sep 31(9): 1482-8. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2016.31.9.1472.
5. Han ZA, Song DH, Oh HM, Chung ME. Botulinum Toxin Type A for Neuropathic Pain in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury. Ann Neurol.
2016 Apr 79(4): 569-78. doi: 10.1002/ana.24605.
6. Oh HM, Park JH, Song DH, Chung ME. Efficacy and Safety of a New Botulinum Toxin Type A Free of Complexing Proteins. Toxins (Basel).
2015 Dec 24;8(1). pii: E4. doi: 10.3390/toxins8010004.
7. Oh HM, Chung ME. Botulinum Toxin for Neuropathic Pain: A Review of the Literature. Toxins (Basel). 2015 Aug 14;7(8):3127-54.
doi: 10.3390/toxins7083127. Review.
8. Kim HG, Chung ME, Song DH, Kim JY, Sul BM, Oh CH, Park NS. Determination of injection site in flexor digitorum longus for effective and
safe botulinum toxin injection. Ann Rehabil Med. 2015 Feb;39(1):32-8. doi: 10.5535/arm.2015.39.1.32.
9. Han ZA, Song DH, Chung ME. Effect of subcutaneous injection of botulinum toxin A on spinal cord injury-associated neuropathic pain.
Spinal Cord. 2014 Jun;52 Suppl 1:S5-6. doi: 10.1038/sc.2014.43.
10. Park JE, Chung ME, Song DH, Choi HS. Inexplicable Abdominal Pain due to Thoracic Spinal Cord Tumor. Ann Rehabil Med. 2014
Apr;38(2):273-6. doi: 10.5535/arm.2014.38.2.273.
11. Kim SY, Song DH, Chung ME. Anatomical localization of the motor entry point in the thyroarytenoid muscle. Muscle Nerve.
2015 Jan;51(1):72-5. doi: 10.1002/mus.24258.
12. Kim SY, Park HK, Song DH, Chung ME, Kim YM, Woo JH. Management of severe bilateral ptosis in a patient with midbrain infarction:
a case report. Ann Rehabil Med. 2013 Dec;37(6):891-5. doi: 10.5535/arm.2013.37.6.891.
13. Park HK, Song DH, Kim YM, Kim HG, Kim SY, Chung ME. Intractable abdominal pain in a patient with spinal cord injury:
a case report.Ann Rehabil Med. 2013 Oct;37(5):721-4. doi: 10.5535/arm.2013.37.5.721. Epub 2013 Oct 29.
14. Song DH, Chung ME, Han ZA, Kim SY, Park HK, Seo YJ. Anatomic localization of motor points of wrist flexors. Am J Phys Med Rehabil.
2014 Apr;93(4):282-6. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000007.
15. Kim JS, Han ZA, Song DH, Oh HM, Chung ME. Characteristics of dysphagia in children with cerebral palsy, related to gross motor
function. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Oct;92(10):912-9. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e318296dd99.
16. Chung ME, Song DH, Park JH. Comparative study of biological activity of four botulinum toxin type A preparations in mice.
Dermatol Surg. 2013 Jan;39(1 Pt 2):155-64. doi: 10.1111/dsu.12071.
17. Kim YS, Kim JS, Yu IH, Jeong JY, Jung SH, Jo YR, Chung ME. A nasogastric tube inserted into the gastrocutaneous fistula.
Ann Rehabil Med. 2011 Dec;35(6):954-7. doi: 10.5535/arm.2011.35.6.954. Epub 2011 Dec 30.
18. Chung ME, Lee JI, Im S, Park JH. Ischemic stroke in rats enhances bone resorption in vitro. J Korean Med Sci. 2012
Jan;27(1):84-8. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2012.27.1.84. Epub 2011 Dec 19.
19. Lim SH, Kim HS, Kim YK, Kim TM, Im S, Chung ME, Hong BY, Ko YJ, Kim HW, Lee JI. The functional effect of epigallocatechin gallate
on ischemic stroke in rats. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). 2010;70(1):40-6.
20. Park GY, Im S, Lee JI, Lim SH, Ko YJ, Chung ME, Hong BY, Kim HW. Effect of superficial peroneal nerve fascial penetration site on
nerve conduction studies. Muscle Nerve. 2010 Feb;41(2):227-33. doi: 10.1002/mus.21460.
2018-2022 Individual Basic Science & Engineering Research Program,
“The Effect of Lin28 on Neural Stem Cells and the effect of Lin28 overexpressed Mesenchymal Stem Cells on the Regeneration in
Spinal Cord Injury”
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) (2018R1D1A1B07051205) / $ 50,000 per year for 5 years / Role: Principal Investigator
2016-2018 Young Researcher Program,
“Mechanism of neuropathic pain in spinal cord injury animal model and the analgesic effect of botulinum toxin for neuropathic pain”
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) (2016R1C1B1016489) / $ 70,000 per year for 2 years / Role: Principal Investigator
2017-2018 Bio & Medical Technology Development Program,
“Development and practical application of technology targeting stem cell microenvironment for the treatment of central nervous system
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) (2017M3A9B3061952) / $ 70,000 per year for 2 years / Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Il Hwan Oh)
2016-2018 Translational Research Grants
“The Role of Substance P and CGRP in Neuropathic Pain after Complex Regional Pain Syndrome”
Medytox Inc, Korea / $ 15,000 per year for 2 years / Role: Principal Investigator
2014-2017 Evaluation for Next Generation Stem Cell Based Therapy Project,
“Evaluation of the efficacy parameters for stem cell therapy in central nervous system disorder”
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of Korea (14172MFDS974) / $ 50,000 per year for 4 years / Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Il Hwan Oh)
2014-2016 Translational Research Grants
“Botulinum Toxin Type A for Neuropathic Pain in Patients with Diabetic Peripheral Polyneuropathy”
Medytox Inc, Korea / $ 20,000 per year for 2 years / Role: Principal Investigator
2014-2015 Bio & Medical Technology Development Program,
“Development of Stem Cell Therapy by regulation of Stem Cell Niche Project”
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) (2011-0019352) / $ 50,000 per year for 2 years / Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Il Hwan Oh)
2012-2013 Translational Research Grants
“Research for the Effect of Botulinum Toxin for Neuropathic Pain”
Medytox Inc, Korea / $ 30,000 per year for 2 years / Role: Principal Investigator
2018 Phase 1 Clinical Trial
“A Randomized, Double-Blind, Active Controlled, Single Center, Phase I Study to Determine the Pharmacodynamic and Safety of MBA-P01
(Clostridium Botulinum Toxin Type A) in Healthy Male Volunteer”
Medytox Inc, Korea / Role: Principal Investigator
2017-2018 Phase 1 Clinical Trial
“A Randomized, Double-Blind, Active Controlled, Parallel Group, Single Center, Phase I Study to Determine the Pharmacodynamic and
Safety of MEDITOXIN (Clostridium Botulinum Toxin Type A) in Healthy Male Volunteers”
Medytox Inc, Korea / Role: Principal Investigator
2016-2017 Phase 2, 3 Clinical Trial
“Effect of Botulinum Toxin Type A for Upper Limbs Spasticity in Patients with Stroke, Multi-Center Study”
Medytox Inc, Korea / Role: Principal Investigator
2012-2013 Phase 1 Clinical Trial
“A Randomized, Double-Blind, Intra-Individual Controlled, Single-Center, Phase I Healthy Volunteer Study to Determine the
Pharmacodynamic and Safety of MT10107 in Comparison to BOTOX”
Medytox Inc, Korea / Role: Principal Investigator
2011 Best Research Presentation, American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation’s 2011 Annual Assembly
2016 Young Investigator Award, Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine